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We already have an article on Edinburgh... /Bryan

Actually, we have an article on the "City of Edinburgh". This would refer to Edinburgh itself, while the Ceity o Edinburrie article refers to the unitary authority area. --Colin Angus Mackay 16:12, 29 Jui 2005 (UTC)
I think that is a rather superficial distinction. I think the articles should be merged. There should be a subsection in this article for the authority, but that is just me. /Bryan
Maybe... I'm mostly translating from the English version which has both. The council area of the City of Edinburgh also includes the towns of South Queensferry, Kirkliston and some villages which I wouldn't consider being part of Edinburgh. I would consider anything outside the City Bypass to be outside Edinburgh (and in the north, just draw a line from the end of the bypass through the Crammond Brig to the Firth of Forth, anything west of that is outside). However, that may just be an opinion of mine. At the moment I'm in two minds. So I'll sleep on it and probably change my mind in the morning :) --Colin Angus Mackay 23:01, 29 Jui 2005 (UTC)
I agree with Colin's first response and I'm glad his sleep changed nothing here. Quite distinct concepts (although only the one about the unitary authority has precise boundaries). For some cities the distinction is insignificant, but for others it can be great (eg what is Aberdeen, what is London, what is Dunedin?). So as to present eventually a consistent set of local authority area pages and a consistent set of "city" pages, keep them separate. Robin Patterson 23:30, 14 Mairch 2006 (UTC)[Replie]

The airticle's cried "Embra" bit the airticle's aboot "Edinburrie". Suld we flit the airticle tae "Edinburrie", or chynge the text tae refer tae "Embra"? Bazza 12:38, 9 Januar 2007 (UTC)[Replie]

Mebbes juist uise Edinburgh wi (Embra, Edinburrie) ahint it in the innin tae the airticle. 13:06, 9 Januar 2007 (UTC)[Replie]

Any thoughts on this change to the English language entry on Embra/Edinburrie/Edinburgh? [PhilB -- 17:50, 10 Februar 2007 (UTC)][Replie]

It's fair eneuch A think. Hing aboot "Embra" is that it's really mair o a fast pronunciation o "Edinburgh" -- lossin the /d/, the /n/ assimilatin tae the follaein /b/ tae becom [m], an sae furth. It's no a speceefically Scots thing -- Scottish Standard English speakers wad say "Embra" an a'.
Tae be honest A'v ne'er haurd "Edinburrie" -- but mibbe A'v been hingin aboot the ower bourgeois/studentifieed bits o the ceety juist. "The Burgh" A'v no haurd except for frae students -- maistly English anes -- an it annoys me a bit (for nae guid reason really).
Juist as anither wee data pynt, A'v no lang bocht the Itchy Coo version o the graphic novel o Kidnappit, an that uised "Embra" a' the wey throu.
Mendor 18:46, 10 Februar 2007 (UTC)[Replie]
A think "Edinburrie" is a Fife soondin (o Edinburgh). 18:59, 10 Februar 2007 (UTC)[Replie]

I'm frae "Edinburgh" an the ainlie tyme I hae e'er come across "Edinburrie" wes in a McGonagal poem! I jalouse at maist fowk that byde here wad say "Embra" - I dae fer certaint, as dae maist o ma friens. - Duncan Sneddon

Thon rhymer chiel wis fae Dundee, juist ower the firth fae Fife. 08:39, 5 October 2007 (UTC)[Replie]
Aye, Ah'd say Embra, forbye Ah ken monie fowk write Embro. Ah've nivir heard embody say Edinburrie! Bazza 10:11, 5 October 2007 (UTC)[Replie]

Actually white'er Wullie McG an ithir Dundonians wad fer ordinar cry the caipital, there isnae muckle reison tae jalouse he wad uise it in a poem gin he needit anithir rhyme! I think it wes uisit ta rhyme wi "worry" ¬_¬....bot haed he needit a rhyme fer "thorough" or "zebra" - weil, ye get the pictur. - Duncan Sneddon

A'm fae Dundee, aw ma Scots-speakin relatives is fae Fife, an A byde in Embra the nou, an A'v ne'er haurd "Edinburrie" fae oniebodie. But, like A sayed back in Februar, A'm no shuir that Embra ['ɛmbrə] isna juist a fast-speech form o Edinburgh ['ɛdɪnbərə]. It's no like, say, Aiberdeen, whaur there's clearly a "richt" English form (Aberdeen) an a "richt" Scots form (Aiberdeen). Dis that mak sense? Mendor 13:09, 5 October 2007 (UTC)[Replie]
An forby thon, Dundee micht be juist ower the firth fae Fife, but ma experience is that the twa dialects disna soond the same ava. The Tay seems tae be a lingueestic boond atween twa dialect areas. Mendor 13:13, 5 October 2007 (UTC)[Replie]

Aye, ye cuid be richt. "Embra"'s aft said wi a lang "E", like mibbes it is juist an elision o "Edinburgh". Sae whit're we gaunnae dae? Muive the airticle tae Edinburgh, an mention "Embra/Embro" an aw? Bazza 14:24, 5 October 2007 (UTC)[Replie]

Flit tae "Edinburgh", pynt oot (soondit Edinburrie, Embra, or Embro an aw). Hae thir spellins reairt tae "Edinburgh". Jimmy 15:33, 5 October 2007 (UTC)[Replie]
This might be a bit late, but "Edinburrie" (similar to "Mussieburrie" for Musselburgh) is heard often in East Lothian. Embra is also heard but always with a short E sound and the last vowel sounds more like a short y sound - more like Embry. 23:58, 25 September 2008

Edinburgh Wiki[eedit soorce]

London Wiki has over 2 000 pages and Edinburgh Wiki at [1] has next to nowt: who'll take it on? Jackiespeel 22:22, 8 Februar 2012 (UTC)[Replie]

London has mair fowk in it nor Scotland! -MacRusgail (tauk) 15:48, 20 Dizember 2014 (UTC)